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About Provider

The mission of the Antelope Valley Hospital WIC Program is to provide family-centered nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and encourage personal growth with respect and compassion to promote life-long benefits to our participants.

Breastfeeding Education and Support

Breastfeeding support and education is available to our participants and may include group classes, one-on-one support from a peer counselor or location specialist, and breast pumps are available. Our goal is to support and help mothers reach their breastfeeding goals.

Breastfeeding Helpline: 661-723-6393

Nutrition and Health Education

Participants of the AV WIC Program are provided with:

  • WIC Card to purchase healthy food
  • Nutrition and health education group lessons
  • Individual nutrition counseling with professional educator
  • Online nutrition education lessons

Information and education covered includes: prenatal nutrition, breastfeeding, eating tips for your children, parenting tips, healthy recipes plus much more.


WIC can put you in touch with programs or services that you may need such as:

  • CalFresh
  • CalWorks
  • CHDP
  • Child Support
  • Immunizations
  • Medi-Cal

And also prevention and treatment programs for:

  • Drug, alcohol, or tobacco use
  • Family violence

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