The Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley works to promote healing and provide protection from abuse through education and expert care for children and families in the Antelope Valley.
[email protected]July 17, 2020
Lancaster is a thriving community of 172,237 located approximately one hour north of Los Angeles. People of all ages and ethnic backgrounds call Lancaster home and we take pride in our diversity.
RebeccaSeptember 2, 2020
Helping Hands is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping seniors learn about resources in the community to improve their quality of life.
Helping Hands Senior FoundationMay 3, 2021
DPSS is one of 36 County departments and serves over 10 million residents in a county larger in population than 42 states, encompassing 88 cities.
M VarelaSeptember 4, 2020
DPSS offers Medi-Cal health insurance, CalFresh food assistance, CalWORKs cash assistance for families, and General Relief cash assistance for individuals.
M MayesSeptember 2, 2020