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The Reason Group is a nonprofit California corporation. The Group is a unique collaboration between the Group and multiple community partners that invest in the skills of America’s workers. Headquartered in Lancaster, CA with a satellite office in Kern County, The Reason Group are Job Development and Expungement Specialists. The Group developed its Job Readiness Expungement Project as one of its Four Pillars. The aim of the Four Pillars concept is to study and address key barriers to employment for residents of the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles County and East Kern County.

Sustainable employment leads to successful families which lead to successful communities, which lead to better cities and a better nation. Our mission is the basis for this chain reaction; to help members of the community gain the employment skills they may be lacking to gain viable job opportunities. We want to alleviate the despair created by the cycle of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, generational welfare dependence, and recidivism. We address this problem with our Four Pillars philosophy.


The Job Readiness Expungement Project ( JREP) is a complete job readiness training program designed to allow the participants to increase their employability by removing their barriers to employment. JREP services are not just for former offenders, but all those who want to increase their chances of becoming employable.

The Job Readiness Expungement Project aims to change participants’ attitudes toward authority, culture, and peers, enabling them to succeed in further skills training or education programs as well as the workplace. The training methods are proven effective at increasing participants’ job retention rates and wage earnings, as well as addressing issues facing those clients who need reentry services. Reentry services are aimed at reducing recidivism among former offenders.

 JREP assists job-seekers with extreme barriers and skill levels in preparing for employment, thereby simultaneously meeting the workforce demands of a diverse range of employers. JREP is a customized employment plan providing pre-employment skills training to community residents, to stabilize their economic conditions, and increase self-sufficiency. The Program provides clients with one-on-one case management, job coaching, (including short- and long-term goals), post-conviction services, employability training that includes ongoing monitoring, resume preparation, interviewing skills, enhancing computer skills, and completing on-line job applications.

The program consists of workshops as well as one-to-one sessions and includes the following:


The participants will work with our experienced Job Development Team to find the job that is right for them. Whether the participant is preparing to re-enter the workforce or looking for a new career, we can help. The Job Development Team continually researches the labor market and individuals work one-on-one with the Job Developers to find the ideal job.


At The Reason Group, we are Expungement Specialists helping clients dismiss their eligible criminal convictions to enable them to better their employment opportunities. We will explore all options for cleaning up your criminal records.

If granted, the Expungement may open the door to a brighter future by removing the conviction and showing a dismissal on your rap sheet, potentially bettering one’s chances of getting a job, which is what we are all about, helping you get that next or first job.  We are committed to providing you with a more convenient way to access the daunting legal system.  Our services offer you a more approachable and less intimidating method to get your legal papers to the court. We offer a free consultation to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

We are not a workshop! We are here every day, in the same place, from 9:00am to 5:00 pm. We will be here when you are ready to change your life.

For more information, view our flyer:

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